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(214) 271-4585

The Role of Physical Therapy in Managing Degenerative Disc Disease

The Role of Physical Therapy in Managing Degenerative Disc Disease

Dr. Craig Callewart, a medical doctor and surgeon, has offices in Dallas, Addison, Rockwall, and Forney, TX. We treat many patients with degenerative disc disease.

Our doctor believes in the least amount of surgery possible for his patients by focusing on non-surgical interventions, like physical therapy and medication, to help them with degenerative disc disease. We want to help patients understand physical therapy’s role in managing degenerative discs.

What Is Degenerative Disc Disease?

Doctors in Dallas, Rockwall, and Forney, TX, explain that a gel-like substance exists between each vertebra. Disc disease develops when this gel begins to bulge outward. A bulging disc can occur in the back and neck. When this gel bulges outward, it can create back pain when the vertebrae compress together.

Compressed vertebrae can no longer absorb shocks to the spine. Your spine cannot flex and twist, and when it does, it causes a lot of pain. It has been found that other non-invasive treatment options, such as physical therapy, are highly successful pain relievers.

Physical Therapy Impact on Degenerative Disc Disease

An age-related exercise program is the foundation for many illnesses and disease processes in the human body. Disc disease is no different, offering a treasure trove of benefits for helping those with this disease conquer pain issues. A limited range of motion in the back contributes to increased back pain.

A controlled and gradual physical therapy program is a planned and progressive exercise overseen by licensed physical therapists. A water aerobic program best suits your needs if you are in severe pain. Your physical therapist will decide what treatment plan best suits your overall situation.

The therapist considers your diagnosis and level of pain to create the ideal exercise program.

The Benefits of Physical Therapy on Your Spinal Discs

  • Keeping your spine in motion and movement has been found to have the following benefits:.
  • Reduces pain in legs and back
  • Minimizes pain flare-ups
  • Opens blocked vertebrae, thus sending nutrients to the spinal system, its muscles, ligaments, and joints
  • Strengthens the vertebrae, thus helping to hold up the spine
  • Stretching exercises improve mobility, flexibility, abdominal muscles, erector spinal muscles, psoas major muscle, gluteal muscles, quadriceps, and hamstring muscles
  • Stabilizes lumbar extensor muscles
  • Advanced stabilization of the spine

Put Your Back Into It

For possible minimal surgical intervention and alternative treatment options to relieve your back pain due to degenerative disc disease, call Dr. Callewart today at (214) 271-4585 at his offices in Dallas, Rockwall, and Forney, TX, to schedule your consultation appointment.

The Role of Physical Therapy in Managing Degenerative Disc Disease

Dr. Craig Callewart, a medical doctor and surgeon, has offices in Dallas, Addison, Rockwall, and Forney, TX. We treat many patients with degenerative disc disease.

Our doctor believes in the least amount of surgery possible for his patients by focusing on non-surgical interventions, like physical therapy and medication, to help them with degenerative disc disease. We want to help patients understand physical therapy’s role in managing degenerative discs.

What Is Degenerative Disc Disease?

Doctors in Dallas, Rockwall, and Forney, TX, explain that a gel-like substance exists between each vertebra. Disc disease develops when this gel begins to bulge outward. A bulging disc can occur in the back and neck. When this gel bulges outward, it can create back pain when the vertebrae compress together.

Compressed vertebrae can no longer absorb shocks to the spine. Your spine cannot flex and twist, and when it does, it causes a lot of pain. It has been found that other non-invasive treatment options, such as physical therapy, are highly successful pain relievers.

Physical Therapy Impact on Degenerative Disc Disease

An age-related exercise program is the foundation for many illnesses and disease processes in the human body. Disc disease is no different, offering a treasure trove of benefits for helping those with this disease conquer pain issues. A limited range of motion in the back contributes to increased back pain.

A controlled and gradual physical therapy program is a planned and progressive exercise overseen by licensed physical therapists. A water aerobic program best suits your needs if you are in severe pain. Your physical therapist will decide what treatment plan best suits your overall situation.

The therapist considers your diagnosis and level of pain to create the ideal exercise program.

The Benefits of Physical Therapy on Your Spinal Discs

  • Keeping your spine in motion and movement has been found to have the following benefits:.
  • Reduces pain in legs and back
  • Minimizes pain flare-ups
  • Opens blocked vertebrae, thus sending nutrients to the spinal system, its muscles, ligaments, and joints
  • Strengthens the vertebrae, thus helping to hold up the spine
  • Stretching exercises improve mobility, flexibility, abdominal muscles, erector spinal muscles, psoas major muscle, gluteal muscles, quadriceps, and hamstring muscles
  • Stabilizes lumbar extensor muscles
  • Advanced stabilization of the spine

Put Your Back Into It

For possible minimal surgical intervention and alternative treatment options to relieve your back pain due to degenerative disc disease, call Dr. Callewart today at (214) 271-4585 at his offices in Dallas, Rockwall, and Forney, TX, to schedule your consultation appointment.

Are You In Pain?

Most patients experiencing pain can be seen by Dr. Callewart or his physician assistant within 24 hours in Dallas, Forney and Rockwall, Texas.

(214) 271-4585

Book Appointment

Our Locations

Dallas, TX


9101 N Central Expy, Suite 360,
Dallas, TX 75231

Forney, TX


325 N FM 548, Suite 100,
Forney, TX 75126

Rockwall, TX


6435 S. FM 549, Suite 100,
Rockwall, TX 75032

Office Hours


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm



